<iframe src="https://anchor.fm/collisstutzer/embed/episodes/109---This-Ex-Pro-Athlete-Is-The-New-King-In-Real-Estate-WArt-Morrison-III-e1gfnlm/a-a7i5kje" height="102px" width="400px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
The best description I could give you of our guest, would not match up to the quality of this description our guest has on his about page on his website! So, here it goes!
“Art Morrison III is an Entrepreneur, owning multiple businesses. He is an author of the book “Overcome” and a professional Basketball Player giving back to the community through youth basketball training giant, “AboveMAX Basketball”.
He is also a full time real estate investor currently specializing in residential real estate through his private equity firm “United Home Relief”. Art is highly driven by adversity faced throughout his life and has used his story to inspire countless others worldwide. He is passionate about the community and seeks to help others delve into the world of entrepreneurship, business, and real estate.”
OKAY, BOOM! If that sounds like a pretty dope guy, it’s because he is and he was kind enough to give us his time on our show today!