I asked 3000 people a simple question; “What’s stopping you from closing your next real estate deal?”
Most of the answers I received are a common misconceptions in real estate. Many of which can be solved with a simple piece of information or a single resource.
Here are the most common answers I received. (you won’t believe the last one.)
Bad Credit:
“credit is easily overcome in real estate. Did you know that when buying investment properties you don’t even need to use your personal credit to get approved you can even use someone else’s credit without it showing on their credit report. Our company even acts as a credit partner for members of our mastermind group. do you already have capital saved up to invest in a property?”
Or some version of that. Can be shorter.
No money:
(you already kind of know this one, but I’ll document it just because) “ Yeah, that’s a common misconception. Real estate can be done with a very small amount of money through method like wholesaling and creative financing. When you say you have no money, how much do you mean? More or less than $5000?”
Can’t find Deals:
“ what method are you using to find deals? Finding deals is probably the hardest part in real estate but it’s very easily done through systems. The problem is a lot of people don’t take the time to build system.”
Need Funding/financing:
“ financing is like the easiest part of the game. Especially if you have a good deal in your pocket. Who have you reached out to to get financed?”
Need license/not a realtor:
being licensed opens up some opportunities like making a commission, but you do not need to be licensed in order to invest in real estate. You can even act as a wholesaler, which is similar to a realtor except it’s only private cash deals. Are you familiar with these strategies?”
No Accountability/discouraged:
“ that’s extremely common in real estate, especially since it seems like there are so many requirements to get started. If you had someone handholding you through the process and hold you accountable every day. And a group of people do it with, do you think that would help?”
Lack of Knowledge:
“ knowledge is extremely important. It’ll save you so much money and anxiety. There are a lot of companies out there that offer different courses, communities, programs, and coaching that’ll give you the knowledge. Have you considered any of those?”